Set Your Alarm Clock it's 2025!

January 14, 2025 00:18:56
Set Your Alarm Clock it's 2025!
Short Term Rental Management
Set Your Alarm Clock it's 2025!

Jan 14 2025 | 00:18:56


Show Notes

This week Luke dove into the importance of alarm clocks and how they can inspire us to achieve our goals in the new year. He shared a memorable story from his early days as a runner, where he learned from successful individuals who woke up at the crack of dawn to fit in their workouts and manage their busy lives. This experience taught him that the common denominator among successful people is their commitment to rising early and making the most of their mornings. Luke provided practical tips for waking up earlier, such as gradually adjusting your wake up time and avoiding the snooze button. He also highlighted the mindset shift needed to view your alarm clock as a tool for success rather than a source of frustration.


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For more information on how to get into short term rentals, read Avery Carl's Book, Short-Term Rental, Long-Term Wealth: Your Guide to Analyzing, Buying, and Managing Vacation Properties


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:02] This is Short Term Rental Management, the show that is all about short term rental property management with your host, yours truly, Luke Karl. [00:00:16] All right, Luke Karl. Short Term Rental Management. And I want to talk about alarm clocks. As we are in a new year, we need some inspiration. Not a whole lot of management going to be talked about today on strm, but we are going to talk about how to do better, especially in the new year. Everybody's trying to crush it. We all set goals, we want to lose weight, we want to become wealthy, you know. So I do want to talk about alarm clocks. And first I will start by telling you a story about alarm clocks. I used to, you know, I used to work in the bar business. I talk about that a lot. And bar business is a lot like being a vacation rental host. You have to be hospitable to people. [00:01:02] And in the bar business, you're up late if you want to make money, you're up late at night. Of course, this was a long time ago back in my 20s, but I did it for many years and didn't get off work till 4 o'clock in the morning, then really didn't get home till 5, 5:30. [00:01:18] And then, you know, life changes. You move up, you work hard and you find yourself in new situations. And I started waking up earlier. A lot of it had to do with because I was working nights in my early days, you know, my 20s, I worked nights. Long story short. And when I stopped working nights, I think a big shift there was that my body just wanted to catch up so I just kind of instantly flip flopped. I went from going to bed at 5:00am to waking up. Maybe not 5:00am but you know, 7 or 8:00am. [00:01:55] We're talking many years of the night shift here. I don't know, 15 years of night shift. [00:02:03] And as I started to grow with jobs and careers and just climbing and kicking and screaming, I noticed being surrounded by some more and more successful people. And it was a lot of that was to do to running. I'm a huge runner and there are a lot of people that are successful people that run. [00:02:28] You know, in general, successful people try to stay in shape. They tried, they tried everything. They work a little harder at everything. And part of it is being in shape, living a happy life. [00:02:43] Now, runners are a different breed than other type of workout people. I will say that I've got friends that lift weights. [00:02:51] That does not work in a runner's brain. It's a whole different thing. I could talk about running for hours and hours and hours. Literally I've run 29 full marathons. I could talk. I have two running coach run coaching certificates. I took running coach courses at Rutgers. [00:03:13] I. [00:03:14] I've been doing this a long time. Not a long time. I started when I was 28. This is not a lifelong thing for me. I was in my late 20s when I started running, but I do it every day. [00:03:24] So anyway, as I started to get more successful and grow as a human, running definitely helped me along that path. And I want to encourage you to go out there and work out. Now, running is maybe not for you, I understand that, but work out in some. [00:03:44] In some way. [00:03:46] Okay, so the point is, in that running process, which we'll talk about that later on another podcast, we're going to need a lot of inspiration in 2025. All right? We're just going to need a lot of it. Maybe we'll do an entire podcast on fitness, which is not why we're here, but fitness is huge, and you do need to pay attention to it. [00:04:09] I truly believe that you cannot be successful in life and fulfilled if you are unhealthy. You can't. It's just. I know I can't. I cannot. All right, maybe you can, but I cannot. It's very difficult. [00:04:30] Matter of fact, one of my favorite podcasts, there's a lady named Corinne. She's a wonderful preacher. [00:04:36] She has a podcast called Losing 100 pounds, which is perfect for this time of year. We need a little inspiration. I think she is a wonderful speaker. I love listening to her talk, so check her out. [00:04:50] But anyway, let me get back to it. [00:04:55] In my running goings on, I started hanging out with more and more runners. And you just, you know, you surround yourself with people that are doing what you're doing or what you want to do. And it's just how life works. You are the average of the five closest people to you. I was a runner, therefore, I was hanging out with runners. And I was starting to notice that hanging out with runners was a lot better than hanging out with people that hang out in bars. [00:05:23] Now, runners do tend to drink a lot, and that's okay, you know, not yours truly. At least not anymore. But anyway, long story short, I was on a group run one morning and I was. It was in the early days of my becoming a new human, successful stage of my life, when you start to grow up a little bit. [00:05:49] And I got together with this running club. This was in Tennessee. I love telling this story. And it was very early in the morning. I want to say it was like 5:30 in the morning that this group got together, it was still dark. And I was no kids, probably just freshly married, maybe not even married. [00:06:13] And I was still probably partaking in the nightlife a little bit. But you know, waking up earlier and had a career inside. I was, you know, it was transitioning from a wild party rock and roller to a stand up human being. Anyway, so I get there at this run, it was a Saturday morning, dark outside. I was in Tennessee, middle Tennessee, I believe. [00:06:36] And there was, I don't know, five or six other people there. And these people were all very well to do type of folks, doctors, lawyers, etc. [00:06:47] And I got there and I started complaining about how early it was. How do you people do this? [00:06:55] What are we doing up at this hour? Of course they had children, they had huge careers. These were all very successful people. And I should have been more receptive to my question. Should have been, okay, how do I wake up earlier? [00:07:10] And I think in a roundabout way we did get to that. You know, I think that they were smart enough to realize that I was starting to become one of them. [00:07:20] And so somehow it came up, what time do you wake up? And we went around the circle. Was everybody standing in a circle, getting ready to go on this long run on a Saturday morning? It was probably like a 16 miler or something. [00:07:35] And the one guy says, well, I wake up at 5 and the one girl says she wakes up at 4:30. And the one guy says he wakes up at 4:30 and 4:45, etc. Etc. Etc. So we get to this one girl who's still a friend of mine today. [00:07:52] And it was if this guy next to me knew what her story was going to be because he had a look on his face like he couldn't wait to get to this girl who's a veterinarian, by the way, still is. And she's taking care of my dogs over the years. And she's, she's great. Avery and I are friends with her and she's wonderful. Anyways, and a fantastic runner. All these people, all these people in this conversation right now, by the way, I mean, dynamite runners, like, top of their class all multiple Boston Marathoners, multiple marathoners in general, real deal recreational, top of the line recreational runners. [00:08:33] Anyway, so we get to this girl who's a veterinarian and she says, I wake up at 3:50. [00:08:40] And I said, what? [00:08:43] And so the guy standing next to me, who I said, probably has heard this story before and couldn't wait to get to her story. He goes, tell him why and she said, because if I wake up at 4 o'clock, I can't get it all done. [00:08:59] And that stuck with me so hard. [00:09:03] I was surrounded by very successful people and they all had a common denominator. They were all waking up very early and they were crushing it, getting their runs done before their children woke up, etc. And I am grateful to say that I adopt, I adapted, I became one of those people. I started waking up earlier and earlier. And then, of course, I had children and I had no choice. I could either stop running, stop working on myself, or I could wake up earlier. I had those. Those are my only two choices. You have kids and all of a sudden things like going to the gym and running, they're selfish. Those kids need help. Your wife needs help, the family needs help. You're wasting your time. [00:09:51] You get it done on your own time. And the only time to get your own time is early in the morning or late at night. But doing it late at night after the kids go to bed leads to waking up late and then you can't get the kids to school and all that sort of stuff. So over time, I started waking up earlier and earlier. And of course, I read a book called Miracle Morning. [00:10:13] If you're listening to this podcast and you have not been made aware of Miracle Morning yet, I don't know how that's possible. Every podcast ever talks about Miracle Morning. Hal Elrod. [00:10:29] There are a hundred different versions of the book Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents, which I did read. And I am not a real estate agent, by the way. I do work for the short term shop. We sell houses. We would love to help you with the next purchase or sale in the greatest vacation markets in America. That's why we're here. We sell houses. I don't want that to be a secret. It's not a secret. We work very hard and we would love to earn your business, but I personally am not and not and have never been a real estate agent. [00:11:03] But I did read that version of the book because I was married to a real estate agent and I wanted. It was basically the perspective of the main character is the only difference in whoever you choose for that book, if that makes any sense. [00:11:16] So Miracle Morning made a lot of sense to me. There's some things in there I didn't like still to this day. There's a lot of things in there that I think that, you know, they don't really apply to me. But it was a wonderful book and it helped me wake up earlier and I still Every day I wake up and I drink a bunch of water and if I wake up and I don't drink a bunch of water, say I'm in a hotel room that doesn't have any water and I have to get to the gym quickly to get to the treadmill or whatever. [00:11:42] I have a worst day. [00:11:45] Fear not Saturation. [00:11:48] When you are the cream of the crop, you will rise to the top. [00:11:53] Come learn from me. The best in the business. Voted 19 time World's Greatest Landlord Luke Cashflow [email protected] where you will learn to be the best in your field and the world's greatest landlord. [00:12:13] We are teaching all the best practices in the world of vacation rentals and we would love for you to join [email protected] so thanks to this running club and these rock star humans that I was hanging out with that all woke up very early and then my own success starting to set in and I saw progress. [00:12:37] I started to wake up earlier. I read Miracle Morning. I started to wake up earlier. Then the hard part becomes, what do you do when you wake up earlier? Because just waking up earlier is hard enough in itself, but then to know what to do with that time is also difficult. So you're going to need some more books on that subject, how to crush it, and there are several on that subject. So go get out there and read every one of them and I'm going to give you a recommendation right now. Go read every book out there that is about crushing it. [00:13:10] So that's one thing you can do when you're waking up earlier. Read more books. Put your headphones on, listen to audible. Go for a run. Put your headphones on, listen to audible. Lift some weights. [00:13:22] You do need to set goals because it is very easy for somebody that doesn't know how to wake up early, wake up early and waste all that time on Facebook. And then you get to the point where you're sitting there like, why am I waking up early? I've been doing this for three weeks and it's sucks. I'm not getting anywhere. You're not getting anywhere because you're not doing anything. You're not getting anywhere. [00:13:44] You got to have a plan. Yellow pad, man, yellow pad. [00:13:49] Put that phone down at night, start writing on the yellow pad. The stuff that you want to get done in the morning with your personal time. [00:13:56] And even if you don't have kids, even if you're not married, maybe you're single, you live by yourself. You still got to get up early, write the stuff down that you want to accomplish and get it done. Whether it's working on your pfs, your personal financial statement, working on your bank accounts, working on your money, I will say that's the best thing that I did and still do. I work on it all the time. You got to work on your cash or you're going to be broke. [00:14:22] You got to pay attention. Get in there, learn how your bank accounts are working. All right? So wake up early, get it done. Is a new year. Here's your chance. You. You have very limited inspiration in this world, and a new year is inspiring. So get out there and do it. And I will tell you that if your alarm clock is pissing you off, you are not gonna make it in the world of success. Your alarm clock needs to make you excited. Oh, here we go. I. I got another chance to go crush it. [00:14:57] And there's going to be days where that no matter how dedicated you are to crushing it, that alarm clock will make you mad. And you got to snap out of that. [00:15:05] All right, Number one, your alarm clock cannot make you mad. You have to enjoy, and it's very difficult, but you're going to get there. You have to enjoy that alarm clock going off. [00:15:19] Number two, do not hit the snooze button. [00:15:24] Don't hit the snooze button. If you want to work in a snooze system, that's okay. [00:15:32] If you want to work it in where you're hitting 3.45on the alarm, hit the snooze button twice. So you're still up by four. That's okay. [00:15:40] All right? And number three, people that do not like alarm clocks are not winners, period. If you don't like an alarm clock, you're not crushing it. There are going to be exceptions to that rule. [00:15:52] You can prove me wrong on that rule. [00:15:56] But in general, if you do not like your alarm clock, you're probably a loser, I hate to tell you. [00:16:04] Get with the program. [00:16:06] All right, I do want to talk real quick about the time. [00:16:09] 5:30 is not early enough. [00:16:12] All right? It's just not. I get people I meet, people that think they wake up early and they're waking up at 6. That is not early. [00:16:19] That is not my whole day. I have completely destroyed the universe before 6am I've done more before 6am than 10 people. [00:16:32] Six is not early enough. You gotta. And you just creep it back a little bit at a time. If you try to go from six to four, it's not going to happen. You'll do it two days and Then you'll give up, creep it back, find a. Creep it back by 15 minutes, 5, 45. Figure out what you're going to do with that 15 minutes that you didn't do yesterday. And it needs to be productive. [00:16:55] Do that for a week. Do 15 minutes a week. But I'm gonna tell you right now, if you want to crush it, if you're. There are people out there crushing it that sleep in. All right, I get that. Basketball players, professional athletes, whatever. I'm not saying that they sleep in, but there are that type of, you know, rock stars, for instance, they all sleep in. Some of them are crushing it. Maybe not as much as they were in the 80s, but if you're a guy like me, if you're just a regular guy trying to make it, trying to get out of that day job, spinning wheels. If you're just spinning wheels in life, treadmilling it, if you're on a treadmill, same thing over and over. You've got to creep it earlier. 15 minutes at a time, one week, 15 minutes, the next week, another 15 minutes. But I'm telling you right now, 4:00am is the secret. That's the secret. [00:17:47] If you want to crush it, if you want to start making more money, if you want to be a better landlord, if you want to be able to figure out how to get more down payments. [00:17:58] Because as I've said 7,000 times, the down payment is the hard part. [00:18:03] And you need to figure out how to wake your ass up earlier and get it done. All right, number one, if your alarm clock is making you mad, fix it. Number two, don't hit the snooze unless you have a snooze system. [00:18:18] Number three, if you don't like your alarm clock, you're probably a loser if that alarm clock goes off and you don't like it. [00:18:26] Number one and number three are kind of similar, but you got to fix that. Got to fix that. Welcome to 2025. Wake up earlier. Short Term Rental Management. Luke Carl. We'd love to sell you a house. don't overthink it.

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