Episode Transcript
[00:00:02] This is Short Term Rental Management, the show that is all about short term rental property management with your host, yours truly, Luke Carl.
[00:00:16] Vacation rental management. Along here, Lou Carl, world's greatest short term rental manager and world's greatest dad. And today we're going to talk about what it is like to manage a property and how it is similar to raising children on strm.
[00:00:38] From the author that brought you Long Term Rentals, Short Term Wealth, a best seller in four categories, the industry standard in vacation and overnight rentals.
[00:00:53] We now have a new book, Smarter Short term Rentals by Avery Carle, out now, wherever books are sold.
[00:01:05] All right, so I had this idea because in a lot of ways it is kind of similar. First time you do anything with a short term rental, with a vacation rental, with rental real estate in general, it's hard, it's scary.
[00:01:22] You're nervous, you don't know what to do. Oh my goodness. It's almost like a kid learning how to ride a bike.
[00:01:29] I see it when I'm raising my kids. I do, I see it. I'm like, oh man, this, they're just like a brand new landlord.
[00:01:37] And then you get on that, that damn bike and you pedal and you get better at it and you fall down and you break your leg and you skin your knee and you get back up and you go again.
[00:01:52] Being a landlord is a lot like raising kids. Doing anything new in life is a lot like raising kids. Right? It's very similar.
[00:02:01] Here's a perfect example. I like to park at the end of the parking lot.
[00:02:11] I like to park with at least, you know, three or four spots on either side.
[00:02:17] And I'm not the only one that does this. There are other people that do this. Most of my, my dude friends do the same thing. It's a, it's funny how we gravitate towards each other. The people that park, that don't park next to other people are usually, they're, they're the same type of people, right? So. And all my friends are, do the same thing. Not all of them, but, you know, some of them. And we bond on that because it's funny because you come out of the hardware store, you come out of the Home Depot, you had six spots on each side. And then of course, every single time there's somebody parked on both sides of you.
[00:02:54] So my daughter said to me one day, speaking of the kids, she said, daddy, why do you park so far away?
[00:03:05] You need to park closer. I have to walk farther and I don't like it.
[00:03:12] So then it's my job as a dad to instill in her my parking far from everybody thing, which she. It probably won't work because my wife does not like that. She thinks it's ridiculous. She's gotten used to it to a certain extent, but she certainly doesn't do it herself.
[00:03:30] And it doesn't drive me nuts because wifey drives a Jeep and it's got steel running boards and if somebody were to try to ding her Jeep, it would definitely mess up their door more than it would her Jeep. So in my brain, we don't have to worry about door dings. I'm happy.
[00:03:47] I don't want dings on my car. Is that so bad? Yeah, my car's, you know, it's getting up there. It's got, it's a just. I just drive a Chevy. I'm a multi millionaire with a Chevy.
[00:03:59] Can I say that? Is it douchey to say that that's fine, whatever. But I drive a reasonable car. It's had the engine replaced, which is not nobody's fault except for GM for putting those bad lifters in their cars in 2020 and 2021. I got one of those. I got a 21 Chevy and the lifters went bad and blew the engine and had to get a new motor and it was horrible. Took like two months.
[00:04:26] And I'm still driving around in that damn thing. Had to put a new alternator recently, but I don't want freaking dings on my door, man.
[00:04:36] Can I drive around in a decent car with no door dings? Can I live? Is that okay?
[00:04:43] And the only way to do that is to park in the middle of nowhere at the, at the Walmart, at the grocery store, at the, wherever you're going.
[00:04:50] At the Lowe's, at the Home Depot, which is where I go, being that I am a landlord, I go to Home Depot. I prefer Lowe's.
[00:04:59] You got me on lots of tangents here. I prefer Lowe's, but I prefer Milwaukee. I'm a Milwaukee guy. All right, all right. So if you're a Ryobi guy that likes to park up front, if you like the front parking spot next to all the people and you use Ryobi, we're probably not going to be friends. And that's okay. It doesn't mean you can't be good at your job.
[00:05:20] Still got the tools for the trade, baby.
[00:05:24] Luke Carl with the mustache for a limited time, only on short term rental management. But you know, I'm trying to instill that into my daughter as to why that's A good thing.
[00:05:34] And it really goes back to the fact that you're trying harder to do something that everybody else could not try hard at.
[00:05:43] I could park next to the building and walk into the building and then I come out and my car's beat the crap.
[00:05:50] So I prefer to take the difficult path of parking far out and walking and burning a couple calories. And then when I come out I'm pretty much guaranteed I don't have any door dings. My car, my my again, I have whatever. I have a couple, couple cars. But the daily driver, the Chevy.
[00:06:19] 60 something thousand miles. It's got a second someone, the second motor because the motor blew up. It's just a car. It's a Chevy. But I've had it for, I don't know, five years. 60,000 miles.
[00:06:32] Doesn't have the original motor but it's got zero door things. 00000. So I put in ma and I get the return I'm looking for. It's like anything in life. Same thing with the kids. If you're not putting in the effort to raise them right and teach them lessons and you know, teach them how to ride their bike, who's going to teach them? Somebody else?
[00:06:55] And that's not good.
[00:06:57] Did you know there's actually a company that will help you find and purchase your first or next short term rental? The Short Term Shop is the premier short term rental acquisition company.
[00:07:10] They have a team of realtors with tons of experience and most of them actually own their own properties as well. They are the best in the business and would be happy to help you with your next purchase. You can find them at theshortermshop.com brokered by exp.
[00:07:27] The shorttermshop.com my mission in life is to be a good dad. Period. That's the end of a story. That's it. That's why I'm here. My life did not begin until I had children.
[00:07:39] I don't know what the hell took me so long.
[00:07:41] Had to find the right girl.
[00:07:43] Now we still waited five years but you know, anyway, that's neither here nor there.
[00:07:49] I'm way in the weeds. I get that. I totally get that. If you're a person that parks in the middle of the parking lot, you're shouting at your. Your your speakers right now saying oh Luke, I'll do that same thing, man. You and me, we do the same thing. Because people that do that are very passionate about it. I will not, I will not for any reason park next to another car. I can't I just cannot do it. I can't relax while I'm in that establishment. I can't breathe while I'm in that establishment. The whole time I will think to myself, oh my goodness, I'm gonna come out to a bunch of dings and I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it. I'm gonna, I'm gonna drive my damn 5 year old 60,000mile fake motor car with zero door dings.
[00:08:30] And I've got a system if I get a ding. It's not like I've never had a dent. One time I backed up into a pole in the car that I'm talking about in the truck I'm talking about.
[00:08:43] And I've got a guy, I've got a PDR guy, paintless dent removal. I took it to the guy. I actually, I had the tow truck take it to him because he's like an hour away and didn't want to deal with it. They had it fixed that day, brought it back the next morning, problem solved.
[00:08:59] That's just me. I am not going to drive around in a danded ass car. Just not going to do it.
[00:09:05] And I would like for my kids to learn that lesson as well. I didn't get it from my dad. I don't know where I got it. I just don't like it.
[00:09:14] I don't want to dance in my car.
[00:09:17] My dad never had a brand new car.
[00:09:22] He, he always drove around in a, you know, fairly used vehicle and now he drives it around in a car that I bought for him and it's dirty.
[00:09:34] Hey dad, if you're listening to this, please take the damn car to the car wash.
[00:09:38] And it was a beautiful gift that I was so grateful to give it to him.
[00:09:42] He deserved it.
[00:09:44] Hard working dude.
[00:09:47] Let me crack a cold one real quick.
[00:09:49] There you go. Just kidding. It's water. It's water. But anyway, when you get into short term rental, everything's all brand new and shiny and you're like, why am I working so hard? Well, you got to learn why.
[00:10:01] Why am I parking at the end of the driveway?
[00:10:05] How come every time I get on this bike I fall down and skin my knee? Well, because it's not hard. It's not easy. It's hard. You got to learn how to do it and get good at it and practice, practice, practice, practice, practice and get out there.
[00:10:16] So what do we learn today? What's the lesson? What's the moral of the story? The moral? Stories. Take the damn high road.
[00:10:21] There is no easy way out like Rocky 4, or is that Rocky 3 or 2? It's one of the Rockies. There ain't no. There's no easy way out, man.
[00:10:32] Choose the path less traveled. Choose the parking spot that is not populated so that you can come out of the Lowe's with no dings on your car. And teach your kids some pride of ownership. I don't want to drive around in a dented ass car.
[00:10:56] Now, if you want to teach your kids, hey, we circle the block six times until we get the parking spot up front. I get that, too.
[00:11:04] The whole point is try harder, try harder, try harder, try harder. And when you buy a vacation rental and you're sitting there like, oh my God, this is way harder than I thought it was going to be, that's when you know you're doing it right.
[00:11:18] Long hair Luke. Carl with a short one today. But I do want to remind you the new book is out Smarter Short Term rentals piece. Please, please, please pick it up.
[00:11:26] Bestseller on Amazon. Leave a five star review on Amazon. Good karma will come your way. Don't overthink it. It.